Thursday, January 17

growing up and growing into

Back in the spring I made this jumper for Wren only to discover that it was more than a little bit too big for her at 10 months.  I hung it up in the closet and periodically brought it off the hanger to see if she'd grown into it yet.  Finally around Thanksgiving I gave in to my impatience and decided she could wear it even if it still hung a bit loose.  But I dare say that now, at 18 months, at last we have a perfect fit!
There are other exciting things going on around here at the 18 month mark too...can you guess one of those new exciting things based on the picture above? (hint: it's not angry-phone-eating)
Yes, next week Wren will officially turn a year and a half old, and as I mentioned in the previous post, we are just enthralled with all the changes and growth this age brings.  She's even begun to show lots of interest in this drawstring backpack I sewed her for her 1st birthday (My friend's mother embroidered a wren-bird onesie that we used constantly until she outgrew it.  I loved the design and thoughtful sentiment behind the gift, so I appliqued the embroidery to the front of Wren's bag).  

In the same way that I eagerly watched her grow into the linen jumper, I have been waiting for her to 'grow into' her backpack.  Just last week I noticed her opening and closing it, then promptly stuffing it full of any combination of stones, blocks, sewing spools, a pin cushion and even an attempt at my sewing scissors (she's learning dexterity and I'm learning to keep my sewing stuff the-heck-out-of-her-reach).  
One of these days when she's not quite so determined to evade the camera/eat my phone I will snap a better picture of her toting around all manner of contraband.

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